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Tool Gauge Receives 2018 Boeing Performance Excellence Award

Supplier performance is a key component to Tool Gauge’s success, which is why we are happy to announce that Tool Gauge has been awarded Boeing’s Performance Excellence Award for 2018. This will mark the 10th consecutive year Tool Gauge has been recognized for our superior performance as a Boeing supplier. Tool Gauge has maintained a Silver composite performance period from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018.


As an official Boeing program, the BPEA recognizes suppliers who have achieved high performance standards to remain competitive in the global aerospace manufacturing industry while meeting customer expectations. 


The annual program to recognize their supplier’s performance as measured in Enterprise Supplier Performance Measurement (ESPM) system. Eligibility criteria includes gold or silver composite performance ratings for each month during the performance period (Oct. 1 to Sept. 30) without suppressed ESPM data, annual contract value of at least $100,000, and a minimum of 10 monthly deliveries or a General Performance Assessment rating. This year, 380 suppliers achieved either a Gold or Silver level Boeing Performance Excellence Award. Tool Gauge is among 298 suppliers to be awarded of the Silver level of recognition.